Friday, January 29, 2010

One-step One Bow Cultivation for the Wellbeing of the Nation, Citizens and World Peace

One Step One Bow – Transference of Merit 一步一拜回向

Posted February 9th, 2010 by tankongsing
One Step One Bow – Transference of Merit
Tulku Ashak Rinpoche, on 6th February 2010, led participants, in Taman Desa sports ground in one step one bow practice. This is a form of cultivation, resulting in merit accumulation. This merit cultivation is obtained through practice, whoever does it, merit will be obtained, akin to action and reaction, through one’s efforts and not others.
Completed the one step one bow ceremony, Rinpoche led all participants to transmit the merit to living beings in the dharma realms. This transmission would amplify the merit, having a big heart would result in this amplification of the virtue. If self centered and narrow minded, to keep it to yourself, the merit will also be limited.
The Buddha taught us to transmit the merit once obtained, however big or small, to Bodhi, dharma realms, all living beings, this is to open our hearts and enlarge the capacity, in completing the practice and the transfer of merit. “I vow all beings are well and happy free from sickness and suffering”. “All evil intentions are hindered”. “The cultivations of good deeds are speedily accomplished”.
A kind thought and virtuous action will obtain the blessings of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. The mind and the Buddha mind are in unison, resulting in auspicious responses.
To maintain purity of body, mind and speech in the one step one bow practice will ensure fulfillment of one’s vows.
What is cultivated as merit belongs to you and you alone none can deprive you of it, this is your sincere cultivation and true mind, and not through deceit or falsehoods. This merit will stand you in good stead from which you can draw upon in time of suffering or difficulties, besides obtaining blessings from Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in answer to your needs.
佛陀教我们所修的功德,不管大或小都应当回向菩提,回向众生,回向法界,这是拓展我们的心量,圆满修行的功德。"愿令众生常得安乐无诸病苦"。"欲行恶法。皆. 悉不成"。"所修善业。皆速成就"。


Community Project for the Wellbeing of the Nation and Citizens and World Peace – 6th February 2010 世间法佛法为国泰民安世界和平之行二月六日2010年
Posted January 29th, 2010 by tankongsing

Community Project for the Wellbeing of the Nation and Citizens and World Peace – 6th February 2010
Taman Desa Association has invited Tulku Ashak Rinpoche, from Qinghai, China to lead the residents and Buddhists, in a Buddhists practice of walking and bowing to the Buddha on 6th February 2010, starting at 7.00am at Taman Desa Sports Ground.

This walking and bowing is a very popular Buddhists cultivation. All are welcome to participate. Records of many devoted disciples of Buddha who have carried this out, some over several years, covering thousands of kilometers. There was a record of one monk who walked and bowed from Qinghai to Lhasa over two years. When he finished his practice he was elevated to Rinpoche, a high master status, in Vajrayana Buddhism.

Tulku Ashak Rinpoche is from Nangchen, Qinghai and specialises in Buddhists meditation and dharma education. His grandfather Drubthop Pema Dorie is a highly revered meditation master spending most of his life time meditating. Tulku Ashak Rinpoche is abbot of his Driya Duldol Ngagpa Ling Monastery in Nangchen, Qinghai and has 180 monks, ranging from five to seventy six years old.

Besides leading the walking and bowing practice, he will share with all participants how to maximize the merit and virtue of this cultivation to benefit yourself and others for the auspiciousness for you and family, and the well being of the nation and its citizens and in a wider perspective, for the world peace. This is the essence of Buddhism. Sadhu!
