Venerable explaining to the devotees how to maximise our cultivation before the start of one-step-one-bow practice.

Tranference of Merits after the practice.

Posted February 16th, 2010 by tankongsing http://thanhsiang.org/tww/?q=node/4535
Peace 平安
How to have peace? Firstly, your mind must maintain peaceful, undisturbed, this is to achieve peace. In your existence, cultivation, if you can achieve body, speech and mind in harmony, not affected by external scenarios, you are on the path to peace.
Tulku Ashak Rinpoche will lead all participants, on February 20th, (Sat) 2010, at 7.00 a.m. in Taman Desa Sports ground one step one bow ceremony. This cultivation, to maintain purity of body, speech and mind. To achieve stillness in bodily movement, Rinpoche will teach participants, through long years of cultivation of meditation how to put to practice, to attain peacefulness not only in Buddha dharma but also in worldly dharma in daily existence, this is the path to peace.
The walk and bow, to have a peaceful mind, it is to observe bodily movement, breathing, to be able to totally relax body and mind, to be completely undisturbed, in purity. This is to achieve peace, a dharma, everyone can attain.
Peace, you have to depend on yourself, even though the dharma master, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas can bestow blessings, yourself reliability is very important. If you have intense greed, hatred and delusion, the thoughts must be erased. The thought of picking anger, fight, the mind is not at peace, even though you have blessings from Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, they are but delusions.
Participants are welcome to raise this with Rinpoche, he is to help you resolve your problems, to bestow blessings towards peace for you, family and nation.