SogJin is a Tibetan word for the practice of Giving Life.Sog- means life and Jin- means to give.
In Tibet it is a traditional practice amongst Buddhists to liberate animals that are destined for slaughter or are in imminent danger. This practice is very precious because every single being no matter how small, values their life more than anything else. Even a worm wishes only to live and not to die. By saving beings one directly benefits them by giving them what is most precious, life. Those that save beings also receive immeasurable benefits by creating the Karma to enjoy a longer life and to be free of illness.
Liberating animals is a common and vital practice for those who are sick or have heavy obstacles to their life. Venerable Ashak Rinpoche has many positive things to say about the benefits of animal liberation. Rinpoche says: “For the person who liberates animals, or whoever wants to dedicate the merit to those with life obstacles, this practice helps them to obtain long life. Even if you don't expect it, the karma will cause you to have a long life".
All are welcome to participate in this meritorious activity:
DATE : 27th Feb, 2010
TIME : 7.30AM
A breakfast dana will be offfered to Venerable and Ani after the life release.
Note: Another related article please visit: http://thanhsiang.org/tww/?q=node/4535
and http://thanhsiang.org/tww/?q=node/4570